Our Rules
1. Do not spam in any channel.
Spamming Includes but is not limited to:
-Chatting in channels not intended for chat
-Repeating messages (Ex. hello hello hello hello hello)
-Misuse of bot commands (Ex. Ping) repeated multiple times
2. Swearing must be kept at a moderate amount. Swearing must not be directed at another member or consequences will take affect. Swear words that are offensive to other cultures and races are NOT permitted.
3. Do not Advertise Your Servers unless it is in the #server_ads channel, please use a infinite server link. The server must be Aviation related.
4. No posting inappropriate links. Those include but are not limited to, Pornographic Links, Links to Piracy Sites, IP Tracer Links, Links to Malicious Sites, etc.
- As a extension to the mention of Piracy Sites. Nothing will happen if you are caught Pirating software, despite it being illegal, we cannot control what you do out of the server. It is not our business. But you you are distributing Piracy Links in the server, you may be subject to consequences.
5. No NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content (Ex. Sexual, Threats, Harassment/Bullying)
6. Do not post personal or private information about a person, such as age, name, gender, phone number, email, etc. Unless you have their explicit permission.